

by a TV wife here in New York our charming Marietta who told me that anti-marrige statements such as those I made in a recent column are harmful to the mixed up TV...and that I should have a little more sense of responsibility. To her I must say that if because of my column, some TV who's planning marr- iage should reconsider my feeling would be that I have done some unsuspecting potential wife a big favor. If, on the other hand, a TV does get marr- ied, at least he will do so well aware of what he is getting into--and at least will know that this is something serious, not to be treated lightly, and that it should be carefully handled to insure at least a fair degree of married happiness. But above all, I'm delighted with the response to Virginia's and my constant prodding for written reaction. This is the kind of ammunition that keeps the magazine going along paths of true TV participation. We'd like more much more--of the same. And remember that a columnist must take some times extremist po- sitions in order to elicit a response. When every- body agrees with what you say, you have a nice quiet, contemplative situation. Beautiful for a Sunday afternoon, but awful when it comes to making an in- teresting, lively publication.

THINGS I COULD DO WITHOUT: TV's who ask you for ad- vice and when your advice goes against their real desires they get mad and say that you are not a true friend... The TV who insists on wearing in public clothes that are out of fashion.... The TV who'11 shorten her skirts to a couple of inches above the knee (fine!) but insists on wearing three inch heels! (Such a combination is OK at home, but not in public) .... The TV who'll always apologize for having devel- oped a pot belly and a thick waist line but won't do a thing to keep her figure trimmed down.... (why apologize?).... The new "tent" style in dresses... (ugh).... The TV's who have learned to adopt only one pose when having their pix taken (how about ex- perimenting with a few different poses, huh?....)...